Flywheel strategy multiplies revenue streams for Pressed Bouquet.


Company: Pressed Bouquet
Industry: Wedding (Bouquet Preservation, Invitations, Wedding Venues, Coloring Pages)
Objective: Transition from a traditional sales funnel approach to a flywheel model to enhance customer experience, increase revenue streams, and multiply impressions.


Pressed Bouquet, a provider of wedding bouquet preservation for weddings in Utah, recognized the limitations of the traditional sales funnel. The funnel, focusing primarily on the linear journey from lead generation to sale, often neglected the post-sale customer experience. Pressed Bouquet aimed to shift to a flywheel model, which emphasizes the continuous and cyclical nature of customer engagement, ensuring momentum through relevant resources for customers.

The Flywheel Concept

The flywheel model, applied to Pressed Bouquet, revolves around three core stages:

  1. Attract: Drawing in potential customers through valuable content and engagement strategies.
  2. Engage: Building meaningful relationships with prospects through personalized interactions.
  3. Delight: Ensuring customers have a positive experience with wedding planning and resources to create sales in other areas.


1. Redefining Customer Engagement

Pressed Bouquet shifted its focus from merely acquiring customers to creating a seamless and delightful customer experience. This involved:

  • Content Marketing: Creating high-quality, valuable content to attract and educate potential customers.
  • Personalization: Utilizing data-driven insights to tailor marketing messages and offers to individual prospects and customers.
  • Customer Support: Enhancing support services to ensure customer issues are resolved promptly and efficiently.

2. Empowering Customer Success

Pressed Bouquet invested heavily in customer success initiatives, including:

  • Venue Directory: Comprehensive venue guides to help couples choose wedding venues in data-driven locations.
  • Local Bouquet Pickup: Providing extensive support for getting the bouquet off-site, to help customers maximize the value of their purchase.
  • ABC Levels: Establishing digital, physical, and custom invitations to understand customer needs and improve products and services accordingly.

3. Leveraging Customer Event Planning

Couples starting their wedding journey searching for venues got impressions of next steps for wedding planning:

  • Digital Invitations/Save-the-Dates: Recognizing that at the time of venue searching, couples most likely will want Save-the-Dates and digital templates most of all at this point in time - or begin working with a invitation suite designer.
  • Case Studies and Testimonials: Showcasing success stories for wedding planning to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Data-driven Service: Finding out what couples are interested in and then providing that service.


The transition to the flywheel model yielded significant benefits for Pressed Bouquet:

  • Increased Impressions: With a stronger focus on customer satisfaction and success, Pressed Bouquet saw a 300/month increase on free impressions for their products.
  • Enhanced Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): Satisfied customers were more likely to purchase additional services and upgrades, increasing their overall value to the company.
  • Organic Growth: Customer advocacy led to organic growth, with a substantial portion of new customers coming through referrals and word-of-mouth.
  • Improved Brand Reputation: The emphasis on solving problems for wedding planning in Southern Utah  enhanced Pressed Bouquet’s reputation as a customer-centric brand.

Challenges and Solutions

Challenge 1: Cultural Shift

Solution: Pressed Bouquet invested in internal training and development to ensure all employees understood and embraced the flywheel concept. Leadership consistently communicated the importance of customer-centricity in driving business success.

Challenge 2: Data Integration

Solution: Pressed Bouquet integrated various data sources to create a unified view of the customer journey. This enabled more effective personalization and engagement strategies across all stages of the flywheel.

Challenge 3: Measuring Impact

Solution: Pressed Bouquet developed new metrics and KPIs to measure the impact of the flywheel approach, such as free wedding resources, products relevant to stage of wedding planning, and benefiting couples specifically in Southern Utah.


Pressed Bouquet’s adoption of the flywheel model revolutionized its approach to marketing and customer engagement. By focusing on continuous customer satisfaction and leveraging wedding planning services, Pressed Bouquet not only enhanced its sales and impressions it also solidified its reputation as a helpful resource in the wedding industry -both to couples, wedding planners, and venues. This case study demonstrates the potential of the flywheel approach to create sustainable business momentum through a relentless focus on delighting customers at every stage of their journey.